How Not to Feel So Empty When the Kids Leave the Nest

parent and child

Empty nest syndrome is the feeling of depression that arrives when your children leave home. According to studies, more women are affected by empty nest syndrome than men. As mothers, they are the ones who spent more time caring for their children at home, especially during their formative years. While parents are proud that their children … Read more

Navigating Parenting Responsibilities amid the Childcare Crisis

happy babies

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of U.S. parents struggle to balance their work responsibilities and the needs of their children. The national crisis has caused many childcare centers around the U.S. to close, posing a huge problem now things are slowly returning to normal. The change in childcare availability is something unexpected, … Read more

Future-ready: Why You Should Invest in Quality Education

One of a parent’s responsibilities is to ensure their children have a good education. Although a financial investment is required for private schools, parents who choose those schools believe it is a justifiable expense. Parents who choose private education may cite the cons of public education, including overcrowded classes and lower grades and test scores. … Read more

The Education You Need to Enter the Business of Construction

construction business

Education is a crucial component to succeed in any industry. For some businesses, a certain degree or educational certification is a qualification and requirement. For others, education is a means to earn more in their career.  In the construction industry, formal training is not required for construction laborers as they learn on the job. However, construction is such a big … Read more