
Things You Can Learn in College about Running a Business

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you might be torn between going to college or skip it altogether. People have been debating for quite some time now whether a degree can help make you into a successful entrepreneur or not. If you have the funds, a great business idea, and the guts to take risks, …

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flags of different countries

Being Culturally Competent Without Traveling the World

The world does not revolve around us. It is made up of billions of people with different colors, beliefs, traditions, and languages. Acknowledging and respecting this diversity is the key for people from different cultures to live in harmony. However, racism and exclusion still exist. Many people still suffer injustices because of their skin color, …

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students in class

4 Ways to Help Your Child Settle to Life Abroad

Moving abroad is a tough adjustment for everyone, especially for children and teenagers. Adjusting to a new school, navigating a foreign city, making new friends, perhaps learning a new language—there’s so much to learn in an instant. While it’s perfectly normal for kids to struggle at first, here’s how you can make the transition easier for …

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checking blood sugar

Manage Your Blood Sugar Level and Avoid Diabetes: Here’s How

Type-2 diabetes is a serious metabolic disorder that occurs when the pancreas can no longer make enough insulin which, as a result, increases a person’s blood sugar levels. Over time, unregulated blood sugar levels can damage a person’s feet, eyes, kidney, and heart. Diabetes is a lifelong disorder that requires medication and major lifestyle changes. …

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First grade student

Is Your Child Ready for First Grade?

Congratulations! You survived your child’s kindergarten years, and now it’s time to submit her application for elementary school. First grade is a big leap from kindergarten. It involves increased responsibilities, longer hours, and more complex learning. Here’s how you can help your child get ready for this new stage of her education: Instill the value …

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talent show contestant

5 Reasons Why You Should Get A Voice Coach

For centuries, man has been singing hymns, ballads, epic, and other tunes. Singing is such an integral part of a nation’s culture, history, tradition and identity, which is why countless individuals pursue a singing career. Now, whether you want to become a professional singer or just wish to sing your favorite tunes in the shower …

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teacher and students in the daycare center

The Essentials of a Good Daycare

Juggling between hectic work schedules and caring for your toddler is a near-impossible task. Luckily, daycares offer the much-needed help of caring for your kids. However, the thought of leaving young ones under the care of a stranger often scares many parents. Such feelings are perfectly normal since there is an emotional connection between parents …

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Working out

The 5 Stages of Your Fitness Journey

People resolve to hit the gym and get in shape every time a new year starts. But how many follow through and achieve their fitness goal? If you’d like to know what a feasible path to fitness is like for regular individuals, here are the stages to follow to help you chart your personal goals …

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