summer concept

Things to Make Summer Productive for Kids

Many parents have always been in a quandary on what their kids can do over the summer. And with summer around a month away, they may be looking for activities their kids can do safely, especially with the pandemic still not yet over. While the authorities already administered more than 230 million doses of the …

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kid studying

The Value of Mathematics on Children Can Be Felt Early

In 2017, Pew Research revealed that students in the United States lagged behind other countries in terms of knowledge and skills in areas such as math. As it turns out, nothing much has changed since then. About three years after, the exam from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development showed that US students performed …

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people at a seminar

Why Adults Need to Continue Aiming for Personal Development

Aiming to achieve personal growth and improvement is an excellent goal, especially if you want to fulfill big dreams. You need to continue trying your best to show excellence in whatever you do. Unfortunately, most adults find it difficult to continue achieving personal development. The moment they start pursuing a particular career, they forget about …

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online class moderator

The Road to Postgraduate Education for Aspiring Professionals

The job market is becoming more competitive than ever. There was a time when all you needed to land a good-paying job and climb the corporate ladder was a bachelor’s degree. Nowadays, employers are looking for professionals with more specialized knowledge and experience in their respective fields. Returning to school to earn an advanced degree …

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online class moderator

Alternatives If a Four-year College Education Isn’t an Option

In most, if not all, constitutions around the world, education is cemented as a right that all citizens should have. But even with this notion, a college education remains to be a privilege. In the United States, only 36 percent of the population spent more than four years in higher education and have at least a bachelor’s …

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Making a Career of Your Passion

Everybody wants to earn money doing what they love. Whether it be making art, creating smartphone applications, playing video games, or writing novels, a lot of people start out dreaming up careers around hobbies that give them a sense of fulfillment. There are considerations you have to make to determine whether this is a feasible …

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child attending online classes

How to Make a “Classroom” Feel Like Home

Home schooling is most effective when it is done in an environment that is conducive to learning, which, in most cases, takes the form of a classroom. But while students are taking English PSLE in Singapore while COVID is still a threat, how can parents create a learning environment that will inspire their children to learn …

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Up Your Musical Career: Find a Music Mentor

Whether you’re a music student or already a professional creating awesome tunes, you cannot deny that pursuing a career in the music industry is fun and exciting. But you have to acknowledge that it can take more than dedication and motivation to make it big. You need to have someone who will help you do …

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online class moderator

4 Simple Ways to Teach Online Classes Better

With a global pandemic at large, many people’s daily routines have been inevitably shuffled. People how once worked outside every day have to make major adjustments. Those who work in the office find themselves working from home. And even schools have changed their approach to that of remote learning. We as a society rely more …

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